Market Intelligence Bulletin

Insights for Innovation in seed product design and seed systems development

Events | GloMIP

Africa Rice Kicks Off Rice Market Intelligence Surveys in Liberia

Originally published at CGIAR website last October 01, 2024
Edgar Twine

To ensure the production of rice seed that meets farmers’ and consumers’ needs and preferences, Africa Rice, in collaboration with the Central Agricultural Research Institute, is undertaking farmer and consumer surveys to determine the varieties of rice that should be introduced and promoted in the country.

Events | GloMIP

Drylands crops elevating product design team’s role toward impactful product selection

Originally published at CGIAR website last October 02, 2024
Pieter Rutseart, Agnes Gitonga, Mark Nas Tamerlane, Ganga Rao Nadigatla, Rachel Kisuli, Biswanath Das, Harish Gandhi

The involvement of the Product Design Team (PDT) early in the breeding process has several benefits. Different end-user stakeholders in both grain and seed value chains are directly involved in the breeding program and can guide breeding teams on the diverse requirements they need from sorghum and pearl millet.

Events | GloMIP

Kenya’s pigeon pea market

Originally published at CGIAR website last October 02, 2024
Susan Kairu, Agnes Gitonga, Ganga Rao Nadigatla, Rael Karimi, Harish Gandhi

Pigeon pea is one of Kenya’s key grain legume crops for food security, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas due to its drought tolerance. Kenya currently produces about 107,117 t of pigeon pea, based on the mean of the past three years (FAOSTAT 2024), against a much higher demand. It is both a vegetable green pea as well as a dry grain.

Events | GloMIP

Supporting data-driven proposal development through GloMIP

Originally published at CGIAR website last October 02, 2024
Bert Lenaerts, Neale Paguirigan, Matty Demont

By leveraging powerful data tools such as GloMIP, researchers and scientists can enhance the quality and competitiveness of their funding proposals, making them more compelling to donors and investors.

Events | GloMIP

Market Intelligence Initiative Joins Top Agricultural Economics Experts at ICAE

Originally published at CGIAR website last October 02, 2024
Matty Demont, Ruvicyn Bayot, Mary Joe Grefaldo

Bringing together more than 1,000 delegates from 75 countries, the highly anticipated event featured sessions on topics critical in shaping agri-solutions around the globe.

Events | GloMIP

Sorghum Market Segments: What are Farmers’ Needs for Seed Products in Tanzania?

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Mercy Mbugua, Pieter Rutseart, Harish Gandhi, Mark Nas Tamerlane

Seed product market segments (SPMSs) represent groups of farmers who share common seed product requirements. Currently, there are more than 600 SPMSs for all crops served by CGIAR breeding programs in the SPMS Database. Identifying a proposed market segment provides the basis for discussions between market intelligence researchers and crop breeding teams in CGIAR and national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) on the seed product required.

Events | GloMIP

Target product profile development based on market segment status

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Agnes Gitonga, Jason Donovan, Dean Muungani, Peter Coaldrake

Seed product market segments (SPMSs) represent groups of farmers who share common seed product requirements. Currently, there are more than 600 SPMSs for all crops served by CGIAR breeding programs in the SPMS Database. Identifying a proposed market segment provides the basis for discussions between market intelligence researchers and crop breeding teams in CGIAR and national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) on the seed product required.

Events | GloMIP

Tomato Market Segments in Western and Eastern Africa

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 27, 2024
Mwasilwa Ambali, Mathieu Ayenan, Assaf Eybishitz

Tomatoes are an important cash crop for thousands of farmers in Western and Eastern Africa. In April 2023, World Vegetable Center in collaboration with the Market Intelligence Initiative, started efforts to incorporate tomato into the Seed Product Market Segments (SPSM Database).

Events | GloMIP

Refinements to potato market segmentation

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Diego Naziri, Thiago Mendes, Elisa Salas, Moctar Kante, Sunil Chaudhari, Agnes Gitonga

Between January and November 2023, a multidisciplinary CIP team identified opportunities for refining the existing segmentation through enhanced application of the criteria for identifying seed product market segments (SPMSs), expanding the number of market segments for potato from 9 to 59.

Events | GloMIP

GloMIP’s Impact Opportunities Portal Empowers Evidence-Based Decision-Making

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Bert Lenaerts, Matty Demont, Neale Paguirigan, Ruvicyn Bayot

The GloMIP Impact Opportunities Portal provides access to around 200 development and crop production indicators, measuring impact opportunities across five CGIAR Impact Areas, 45 crops (including 20 CGIAR crops) and 171 countries.

Events | GloMIP

Pepper Market Segment Validation Workshops in Benin and Tanzania

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Derek Barchenger, Herbaud Zohoungbogbo, Mwasilwa Ambali

During a workshop held in March 2024, it was reaffirmed that habaneros are the most important pepper crop in West Africa.

Events | GloMIP

New Framework for Qualitative Behavioral Intelligence Research

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Martina Cavicchioli, Berber Kramer, and CarlyTrachtman

The framework integrates farmers’ choices and behaviors alongside more contextual and technical aspects of seed uptake.

Events | GloMIP

Spring Wheat Crop View, Market Segments Alignment

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Agnes Gitonga, Wuletaw Tadesse, Velu Govindan,Jason Donovan

The Market Intelligence Initiative together with ICARDA and CIMMYT have reviewed and harmonized market segment description.

Events | GloMIP

Are Dual-Purpose Crops a Breeding Priority?: The Case of Cassava

Originally published at CGIAR website last June 28, 2024
Jonathan Newby

Cassava remains an important food security crop inIndonesia, the Philippines, and the Pacific. What does this duality mean in terms of designing theTPP for the unique industrial SPMS and the fresh SPMS

Events | GloMIP

Opportunities for Market Intelligence to Inform Discussion on TPP Refinement

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Jason Donovan, Agnes Gitonga, Dean Muungani, Peter Coaldrake, Mercy Mbugua, Matty Demont, Sika Gbegbelegbe, Pieter Rutseart, Diego Naziri

A scan across the current target product profiles (TPPs) reveals important opportunities for market intelligence to inform future TPP design. Market intelligence informs TPP design by providing insights and evidence on the requirements of farmers, processors, and consumers for seed products.

Events | GloMIP

Refinements to Sweetpotato Market Segmentation

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Diego Maziri, Reuben Saali, Agnes Gitonga

Market Intelligence looks to identify all seed product market segments for a given subregion—regardless of whether a segment is currently served by a breeding pipeline. A multidisciplinary CIP team identified several market segments for sweetpotatoes breeding pipelines.

Events | GloMIP

GloMIP and the Breeding Portal: How do they Interact?

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Neale Paguirigan, Matty Demont, Bert Lenaerts, James Montecillo, Ewan Richardson, Laura Knogler, Peter Coaldrake, Michael Quinn, Marianne Bänziger

Two online platforms, the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP) and the Breeding Portal, have implemented a cohesive data management approach.

Events | GloMIP

Let’s Cook!

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Berber Kramer, Carol Waweru

Can varietal turnover be accelerated by increasing farmers’ interest in eating crops grown with new varieties?

Events | GloMIP

Coordination Between Crop Breeding and Market Intelligence: Groundnut in Tanzania

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Pieter Rutsaert, Biswanath Das, Jason Donovan, Lila Train

The groundnut product design team (PDT) provides an example of how social and biological scientists can engage, productively guided by the shared understanding of seed product markets segmentation.

Events | GloMIP

How Maize Seed Companies Use Market Intelligence

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Pieter Rutsaert, Pauline Muindi, Jason Donovan

How is market intelligence employed by local and privately owned seed companies in Kenya to design marketing campaigns, lead on engagement strategy and review their product portfolios?

Events | GloMIP

Trait Priorities for Irrigated Rice in Southern Asia and South-eastern Asia

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Jhoanne Ynion, Marie Claire Custodio, Matty Demont

Data from Investment Game Application (IGA) experiments and the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP) provide insights on farmers’ trait priorities that can help design target product profiles (TPPs).

Events | GloMIP

Refining Market Segmentation and Target Product Profiles for Sweetpotato in South-eastern Asia

Originally published at CGIAR website last March 18, 2024
Diego Naziri, Thi Minh Hang Vu, Viet Phu Tu, Reuben Ssali, Julius Juma Okello, Hannele Lindqvist-Kreuze, Vivian Polar

The preferences of urban consumers for fresh and boiled sweetpotato in Vietnam have been documented to better reflect the dominant varieties in the market and inform the target product profile (TPP) for South-eastern Asia.

Events | GloMIP

Expanding the business view of crop breeding

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Jason Donovan, Peter Coaldrake

Governments and donors have challenged crop breeding programs led by CGIAR and national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) to show the opportunity for impact from investments. Building evidence on the opportunity for impact requires data and insights on the two sides of crop breeding: the business viewand the biological view.

Events | GloMIP

Strong Demand for Early Maturity Maize in Kenya

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Pieter Rutsaert, Jason Donovan

In Kenya, most farmers produce maize under rain-fed conditions and purchase hybrid maize seeds on an annual basis. Two factors are especially important in their decisions on which seed to acquire: where the production takes place (i.e., level of rainfall and altitude) and when it takes place (i.e., long- or short-rains season).

Events | GloMIP

Adjustments to Bean Market Segments Based on Color and Size

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Agnes Gitonga, Clare Mukankusi

A key factor that influences common-bean farmers’ decisions on which seeds to acquire and grow is consumer requirements for color and size. In the eight criteria used by Market Intelligence for seed product market segmentation, color is a criterion and size attributes are recognized in the consumer use criterion.

Events | GloMIP

Presenting the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP)

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Matty Demont, Bert Lenaerts, Neale Paguirigan

Are you a breeder looking for market intelligence or an investor trying to allocate funding to crops and regions based on evidence? The Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP) can now be publicly accessed to provide you with relevant market intelligence to support your breeding programs or investment decisions.

Events | GloMIP

Market Segments for Groundnuts: Recent Insights from Tanzania

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Pieter Rutsaert

Teams from Market Intelligence, Accelerated Breeding and Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) are working with the Tanzania Groundnut Product Design Team (PDT).

Events | GloMIP

Participate in On-line Survey and Investment Simulation

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Berber Kramer, Carly Trachtman, Brendan Rice, Val Pede

Our aim is to assess the types of market intelligence that breeding programs currently use and to provide insights on how such intelligence can have a greater relevance and impact.

Events | GloMIP

Global Scan of Rice Stakeholder Preference Studies

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Claire Custodio, Matty Demont

We conducted the first global scan of farmer and consumer preference studies in the rice sector to identify current stakeholder requirements and knowledge gaps in market intelligence.

Events | GloMIP

Hybrid and OPV Maize Market Segments in Western and Central Africa

Originally published at CGIAR website last December 11, 2023
Agnes Gitonga, Sika Gbegbelegbe, Dean Muungani

In a crop breeding context, a seed product market segment (SPMS) describes a group of farmers with similar requirements for seed products based on how the crop is used, where it is grown, and how it is grown. A SPMS provides the foundation for designing the ideal seed product to meet these requirements, as well as assessing the investment opportunity from building the product.