Total number of Target Product Profiles:
Total number of unique Target Product Profiles traits: 51
Top 10 Target Product Profiles traits by trait requirement
Essential: Improve
Rank | Trait ID | Trait type | Trait name | Scale | No. of unique TPPs |
Essential: Maintain
Rank | Trait ID | Trait type | Trait name | Scale | No. of unique TPPs |
Nice to Have
Rank | Trait ID | Trait type | Trait name | Scale | No. of unique TPPs |
Crop | Germplasm type | TPP ID | TPP Short Name | Long Name | Organisation | TPP Lead | Status | Breeding Effort | BP Short Name | BP Long Name | Breeding Team | Team Lead | MS Short Name |
TPP Short Name
TPP Long Name
Crop name
Germplasm Type
Breeding Effort
Date Created-
Date Last Edited-
Breeding Pipeline name
Breeding Pipeline ID
Breeding Team
Breeding Team Lead
Market Segment Short Name
Market Segment Long Name
TPP ID | TPP Short Name | Trait ID | Trait Type | Trait Name | Scale Option | Trait Requirement | Desired Score | Best Check | Crop | Trait Description | Scale Measure | Scale Description | Score Type | Worst Check | Economic Weight | Crop Ontology Method |