Welcome to GloMIP

A global public platform for sharing market intelligence to inform product and technology targeting, design and delivery, and R&D investment decision-making by the CGIAR, its partners and investors.

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Impact Opportunities Indicators


Seed Product Market Segments


Target Product Profiles


Market Intelligence Briefs

What we do | GloMIP

What we do

The Global Market Intelligence Platform has been developed by the CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence in collaboration with various CGIAR Centers, Initiatives, and partners. Target end-users and stakeholders are involved in the development of the platform.

Who are our end-users and stakeholders?

  • CGIAR and NARES scientists: pre-breeders, breeders, social scientists, biophysical scientists, nutritionists, gender specialists, climate change experts, etc.)
  • Donors and investors
  • Genetic Innovation management
  • Private seed companies
  • NGOs
Who are our end-users and stakeholders | GloMIP

How to Cite the platform

CGIAR. 2024. Global Market Intelligence Platform. <glomip.cgiar.org>. Accessed [insert date].

Ready to explore GloMIP?

Let’s explore how GloMIP can help you. Email us with any questions or inquiries.

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The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence aims to maximize CGIAR and partners’ returns on investment in breeding, seed systems and other Initiatives based on reliable and timely market intelligence that enables stronger demand orientation and strengthens co-ownership and co-implementation by CGIAR and partners.

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